Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So, our family joined the Y in January. I have never been so happy about something. I have spent the last year inside and away from everyone and now I am finally out and about. I have chosen not to run early in the morning for awhile. I am too tired. After a year of nursing and year of not sleeping b/c of sicky... I need some rest. So, this puts me on the treadmill. I used to say I would never run on a treadmill. You know you should never use that phrase right??? I am now running on the treadmill. It isn't the same. It isn't as true as running outside with the wind in your face, splashing through puddles, getting rained on, etc... However, it is running. My first full week of running I dreamed about it every night. I guess I missed it. I know some of you are thinking. What is she talking about. How could you love to run??? I don't know. I just do. I always have. My friend Cori says it makes her a better person. I agree. I love the time when all of the sudden you feel sweat pour from every pore in your body and your mind feels clear. You almost don't feel your body. It isn't the euphoria part, just the body and mind sinked up part. I come off that treadmill a better mommy, maybe a better wife, and definitely more patient. That is all.

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