Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Weeks Off

So, I have been on a little hiatus from my regular life. Zane was gone for most of the last two weeks and Jackson and Jason for part of that. It was weird, but also a nice change. Joe and I were hardly home and just stayed on our own schedule. Honestly, it was too weird to be home by ourselves so we kind of wanted to be gone. In case you aren't on Facebook, Jason and Jackson got stranded on their little trip to Denver. The flight was overbooked and they got bumped off. They finally got them on a flight the next day to Oklahoma City. Joe and I jumped in the car and went to rescue them as quickly as we could. We really missed them! It was a great reunion and we are truly glad to be back to together.

In other news, I am feeling a little outnumbered lately. There are boys EVERYWHERE over here. I mean my goodness!!! I love them all very much, but whew maybe some girls could come over sometime. However, I know how unlikely it is that many girls would want to come into this chaos. I was saying the other morning that I thought we needed some girls around here and Jackson said.."Naaah, your our princess. We don't need any other ones coming around here". He does call me the Princes and tells me when he thinks I look particularly "princessy". I have to admit I like the adoration. I know it is short lived and I am enjoying it.

The only other thing really going on is us getting back to work on our house. With the weather warming up I am really excited to start getting things done again. I look around and just want to cry sometimes, but I have "cup half full" confidence in Jason and I. We can do it. I also have very high hopes of finding a sectional for our back room. That search is not going well and we are very under furnished at this point.

I may, I said MAY start posting my menu plan for the week. I tried to do menu plan for the month and really didn't like it. Way too boring for me. Anyhow, my friend Cori posts her menu plan and I really love the inspiration and ideas. So, I MAY start that this next week. We will see. Hopefully none of you hang your last hopes on this.

A Okie girl waiting impatiently on summer!

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