Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Menu Plan--Tuesday????

OK, so my first week out of the gate and I already and running late. I do have an excuse..kind of. Zane gave me his head cold/death virus. Thanks Zane!! Anyhow, i am feeling a little bit better today so I thought I better share my plan.

Monday-Crock pot chicken,couscous, and broccoli
Tuesday-Spaghetti and meatballs. My sauce is finally getting good. It took awhile, but I am getting there.
Wednesday-Chicken fried rice and egg rolls
Thursday-Breakfast for dinner. I think it will be breakfast tacos.
Friday-Pizza. Friday is the kids movie night, so we do a simple dinner. If you don't have a bread machine you are really missing out on having great pizza crust with very little effort.

I will learn how to link my recipes, I promise. If you have any questions this week just ask.


gr8pcrush said...

have you tried the pizza crust recipe from King Arthur Flour? It is to die for.
- Melina

Jennifer said...

No, I will try it.