Monday, February 15, 2010

Blow the dust off.....

So, I am back in the land of the living. I wasn't sure I was going to make it for awhile but here I am. I have to say that on a day to day basis a "stay-at-home" mommy can feel less than important. People ask you to watch their kids(usually people that work) without a second thought, etc.,etc. Well, apparently I am needed and appreciated. So, with my puffy chest I will return to all the mundane little things that make our little world go round.

In mentioning that, I just want to put something out there. You know when you feel like your missing out on something. Like when you question your choices. I used to have that A LOT. Should I have made a different choice blah, blah, blah. I believe it comes from self confidence and just recently I realized I don't do that questioning as much. I am more sound in my decisions, I am happier, and I must be getting to know myself a little bit. I know without doubt somethings I want for myself and my family. I know for sure that I have NO IDEA about a whole bunch of stuff and the adventure is figuring it out. I believe I am also learning to think with blurred lines. Do you know what I mean? I mean that because the choice you are making right now maybe right for "right now" and not for two years from now. I know this all seems very simple and maybe some of you came out of your teens all brimming with self-confidence and self-truth. However, for me this is a journey of learning to relax and trust myself.

This is the Jedi Psychologist signing off and hoping you have a great week.

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