Monday, January 25, 2010

How did you do that!???

So, lately a couple of people have asked me how I get my kids to eat all those veggies. They do eat a lot of fruit and veggies, so I will share what I know and welcome ANY advice you have. Here is the deal from start to finish. Make your own baby food, if you can. It is cheaper, healthier, and just plain tastes better! If you have any questions, just let me know. I didn't do it the whole time for Jackson, but Joseph only had jars when we were traveling. I think when the vegetables you feed them actually taste like what they will eat they transition better. I have no idea if this is true...honestly I made it up myself. It is my fact and i like it.

One of the easiest ways is to not have that many other choices. Yes, my kids eat cakes and cookies and candy. I don't mind if they do because I know they have good habits and everyone needs a treat. Anyhow, I don't buy much in the way of "snack" food. No granola bars, "fruit" snacks, cereal bars, Little Debbies, chips, ...nothing. I do buy animal cookies and Goldfish. Other than that their snacks are usually fruit and protein. They like almonds, peanuts, cheese and any kind of fruit they can get their hands on. I also keep a vegetable tray in the fridge MOST of the time. I decided I better put MOST in case one of you comes over and checks the day before I go to the store. We love broccoli and if you put it in your veggie tray you might try blanching it first. Makes it look pretty and it is easier for the little ones to eat.

As far as the older ones, I am talking about around three(make that 2 1/2) and up. Meals are a must. If you choose not to eat a meal, you choose to wait until the next meal. No, I don't make them eat things they honestly don't like, but I do hear "I don't like it" before it ever enters his mouth. I put everything on their plates. They say it takes something like 17 tries before you develop a taste for something you initially don't care for. Therefor, it is going on the plate. We used to do the three bite rule. You have to take three bites of everything (this is for nights we don't FEEL like eating) on your plate. We recently switched to the dice. I read about the dice in Parents Magazine( I think???). They get to roll for bites. Yes, we love it!!! He usually ends up eating all of his food just so he can keep playing.

The last tip I have is on yogurt. We buy tubs of vanilla yogurt and mix in our own fruit. Frozen blueberries are a favorite around here, but whatever works. Vanilla has much less sugar than the premixed yogurts you can buy. Also, think about a green smoothie. My friend Cori shared her recipe with me, and with her permission I will pass it on to whoever wants it. My kids love it and NO it doesn't come out green.

Now tell me what you know!!


kaseymonroe said...

I made my own baby food for Liam and he likes most veggies...Nora on the other hand didn't want anything to do with mashed up food-only real textures for her! I gave her a green smoothie for the first time today and she loved it!

Anonymous said...

Love the dice idea! Totally going to steal it... Here is the link to my green smoothie recipe, feel free to link to it on your blog!

Jennifer said...

Thanks Cori!